After visiting the Vault of Ataish we came up with The Plan. This is a swindle to trick Ataish into believing we have destroyed the Vault of Rithra Iscalion when in actual fact we plan to enter the vault, fake the destruction then take back an artifact to Ataish.
Step 1¶
Enter the Vault of Rithra Iscalion and find something to "prove" it's destroyed
Step 2¶
Take The Artifact to Ataish and prove to him it's safe to destroy his own vault
Step 3¶
Convince Ataish we will destroy his vault for him
Step 4¶
Go back and destroy the Vault of Rithra Iscalion frfr
Step 5¶
Ecounter the Burbs give them the Obby Slice they betrayed us and summoned Black Dragon and we killed him along with both the burbs (honestly fuck those fucking guys to hell)
Step 6¶